Profit from EVK’s own insurance cover concepts!

A correct and complete risk assessment for project engineers and general contractors is an absolute necessity.

This is particularly relevant in the area of builder liability. In the case of risk assessment, a distinction must be made here between the project planning and construction for the company’s own assets or for non-affiliated companies without capital and/or human resources.  The amount of insurance contributions is also affected by the fact that technology of a wind turbine can be purchased from the general contractor as well as from  the manufacturer. The overall turnover of the general transferee in relation to the risk must be assessed accordingly. Only when the risks are correctly recorded, can appropriate insurance solutions be developed and offered. The fact is that a simple building liability insurance is not sufficient for general contractors.

Your advantage with EVK

EVK supports you when calculating the correct and complete risk assessment, knows the best solutions for different business models and has its own insurance cover concepts.