We protect you from incalculable claims for damages

In addition to motor vehicle insurance, the liability for maintenance and repair work is standard cover.

Contrary to the case of motor insurance, sums insured for occupational liability are often limited to 3 million €(euros) or less. However, personal injuries can reach the order of almost 5 million € today. Additionally, high sums are incurred in cases of material damage if, in addition to damage caused by the substance, the operating loss is taken into account. Even with damage to a substation, outdated cover can be far exceeded. Most probable consequence: Insurer pays the cover sum – and you remain sitting on the rest!

Your advantage with EVK

EVK ensures that your company liability insurance also fulfills your main responsibility, namely to protect you against incalculably high claims for damages. We examine your existing contracts in detail and point out necessary changes and adjustments.