We answer your questions – FAQ
In the following, we will answer the ten most frequently-asked questions from interested parties and new customers. If you still have unanswered questions, please get in touch with us at any time.
An insurance agent works on behalf of an insurance company, frequently in the form of an agency. He deals exclusively with their products. Therefore he generally represents the interests of the insurer. With the insurance broker, this is exactly the opposite. We always consider the position of our customers and work independently from insurance companies. This allows us to take full advantage of the wide range of insurance products available on the market, thus providing the customer with the right insurance coverage.
In addition, our service is the first priority for our customers, i.e. the risk assessment, consulting, support and support in case of damage. The mediation of insurance contracts is only a part of our activity.
The Federal Court of Justice has confirmed that an insurance broker is a trustee of his clients (BGH of 22.05.1985, ref.: IVa ZR 190/83). The profession of the insurance broker is one of the five recognized expert professions in Germany, in addition to lawyers, tax consultants, engineers and doctors.
If you mandate us as an insurance broker, you will not incur any additional costs. All our agreed services such as consulting, support, review of contracts, references to possible improvements in insurance protection or savings potential are covered by your payment of the respective insurance premium. We finance ourselves through a so-called brokerage commission, which we receive from the respective insurer. This is not, however, a final commission, as in the case of an insurance representative, but a current remuneration. This is the only way we can really work independently – in your own interest.
Consultation on a fee basis is also possible. In doing so, we give out advice and support on a time-based basis, irrespective of whether or not insurance cover is achieved. If you would like to get information about the topic of fee consulting, please do not hesitate to contact us.
By contacting us. Then we will explain how we work and answer your questions in detail. In a brokerage contract, we determine the scope of our activity. You are mandatorily mandating us with the broker’s mandate. The brokerage contract can usually be terminated after 12 months. However, cancellation for important reasons is possible at any time. They are therefore not binding over a long term. Nevertheless, a long-term cooperation naturally makes the most sense.
A brokerage contract regulates the relationship between broker and customer. It covers the rights and obligations of both parties, as well as liability issues or data protection. The whole thing is completed by a broker power of attorney (Maklervollmacht). As a result, we become your authorized representative. After consultation with you, we can obtain information from the insurance companies and negotiate with them on your behalf.
The brokerage has the advantage that you have just one contact for all insurance requirements. We process all changes to existing contracts, new deals and claims for you. Your effort is then reduced to a minimum.
You can cancel a brokerage account at any time without specifying reasons. This requires the written form. Should you be dissatisfied with our services for any reason, please choose personal communication in the first instance. We will always find a common solution.
We are your first contact in case of damage. We accept your loss report, take over the communication and the correspondence with the insurers’ claims departments, assist you with on-site appointments from experts and ensure that the damage is handled as smoothly as possible. As a rule, the damage costs are covered by your insurance or the insurance of other persons involved under the respective insured benefit framework.
The commissioning of a broker has many advantages for you. Since we operate independently from the insurance companies, we can offer you the products that best protect your risk situation. We do not just sell a specific product, but we analyse your situation and offer you the right solutions – with a professional foundation and a comprehensive market overview.
We will advise you not only about the duration of the contract, but also in the case of damage. Insurance is being channeled through us. You have a fixed point of contact who you can ask about all of your problems or questions and who will contact you proactively in case your current insurance protection can be optimized.
Our existing customers tell us that it is, above all our service that makes the difference.
Your data is safe with us. We can only pass your data on if you have expressly given your consent beforehand. When storing your data, we are subject to the guidelines of the Federal Data Protection Act. You can find our Privacy Policy here.